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Meditation Cafe: The Need For Spaces To Be Silent

I had originally typed as the title for this blog, “The Need For Silent Spaces” but on reflection it didn’t express the fullness of what I am attempting to convey. I’ve been at Back To The Roots festival this weekend, facilitating two Meditation Cafes in the wonderful Cafe Kailash who make the most Divine traditional Chai (all profits go to support Tibet).

On arrival there was a little confusion on where to put the “Silent Sanctuary”, a space dedicated to being Silent within, throughout the weekend. I told the attendant what the space was for and he said, “It’s not gonna be very quiet here!” (as I was put fairly near the main stage!), to which I replied, it doesn’t need to be quiet, it’s a space to be quiet in!

Once I’d set up the space, some friends and I did a little dedication that it be, from that moment a Silent Sanctuary, offering Blessings to all whom enter. We exited in Silence and put signs up asking people to not talk within the space, after all they had the whole rest of the festival site to talk in. This 5m x 5m bell tent was a tiny space in the context and after I left it, I really had no idea if anyone would come and sit in it.

As the festival went on, people kept coming up to me and thanking me for providing this space. The general opinion was that it was needed and people wanted it, they so wanted to go in, their Soul knew it was what they needed and yet I’m pretty sure not all of them made it in, however a seed has been planted that may bloom another time.

Those that entered reflected how renewed they felt, taking time to just sit and Meditate or rest in space that was uninterruptible, with no distractions, how the space to contemplate helped some to see more clearly and release what needed to be released. When I was training to be an Ishaya Monk in Spain for 6 months every Wednesday we went about our duties in Silence and it was my favourite day! I encourage you to dedicate time to being Silent.

Meditation is a way to bring more Silence into your life. If you’d like to join us for Meditation Cafe tonight 7.30pm and learn how to be comfortable in Silence, you can register here:

Meditation Cafe is free by default. If you’d like to “Buy Me A Coffee” in the Cafe or make a donation, you can do so here:

If you’d like to receive these registration links weekly, straight to you inbox, please subscribe to this blog. Alternatively you can find the links on the page The Silent Revolution.

2 thoughts on “Meditation Cafe: The Need For Spaces To Be Silent”

  1. Hi Raye,

    I’m booked on this evening’s meditation but am now unable to attend. Sept feels more reasonable to make it family wise. Thank you for offering this space.

    Warmly Charley

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