
Meditation Cafe: Acceptance Is A Portal To Peace

I find myself in a position where I have made a (big) decision and yet in order to get the wheels of change in motion I am waiting for the forces of Nature to align with my vision. Literally I am waiting for the river levels to go down so that I can move Lily Pearl, my boat.

The river goes down to a certain point, then it rains and it rains and it rains and it rises again. The sun comes out for a day or two and it starts to recede, and just as I think, yay, in a few days it will be down enough, the heavens again open. This has been going on now for the last month.

Divine timing is not something one can force. Navigating it has been a constant thread of embodying Acceptance throughout my life and there have been many times that the frustration of not being able to do what I want NOW (I have the gate of Now in my Human Design) has got the better of me. The river has taught me I am not in control, to slow down and see the beauty of Nature around me. I can only accept was is actually happening and deal with it the best I can in the moment.

As a kid, I recall when knowing something was going to happen but wasn’t happening yet, it was somehow physically painful and I’d often make myself sick with excitement, to the point that sometimes I was then not able to enjoy or even participate in the “thing” I was excited about.

A friend reminded me today of a sister system to Human Design called Gene Keys, created by Richard Rudd. You can explore it and get a free profile here. I have the gate of Universal Love in my Human Design, the Gift of this gate according to Gene Keys is Acceptance, it’s shadow, Constriction.

You can expand your capacity to love (this includes the present moment) through the Gift of Acceptance. Acceptance is the softening of one’s reactive tendencies to avoid or recoil in the face of pain and suffering. Acceptance begins by deepening the breath and allowing the physical sensations of what is happening in the present moment to simply exist. Acceptance becomes a calm optimism that acknowledges what is occurring while simultaneously breathing more loving awareness into the moment.

Richard Rudd

I’ve shared before about my patterns of anxiety, panic attacks where I would literally contract, hyperventilate or hold my breath to the point of going numb to avoid the reality of a moment. Much of my journey has interestingly involved having to learn to breathe deeply, to slow down my breathing, to welcome whatever uncomfortable feelings are present instead of avoiding them.

In this Acceptance of what is ACTUALLY happening, a portal opens up, an opportunity to step into a state of Peace and away from the anxiety and fear of the unknown. In accepting I cannot change or force or a situation into happening more quickly I free myself to rest more fully in this moment. My vision is no longer hijacked by a future that isn’t here yet.

In Acceptance my attention can be directed to preparing for the inevitable with Joyful anticipation, I can appreciate more fully the Beauty of where I am Now, knowing that the moment of change will arrive and all will unfold in the Divine Timing of Grace. I don’t need to rush, only to remember to stay here Now and enjoy the journey, each each moment as it is unfolding.

Tonights Self Enquiry and Mantras will be focused on areas of our life where we are in need of Acceptance and maybe Patience.

Here’s the registration link for tonights Meditation Cafe Monday 18th March at 7.30pm if you’d like to join us. No previous experience necessary. An open mind and willingness to try is helpful:

Meditation Cafe is free by default. If you’d like to “Buy Me A Coffee” in the Cafe to express your Gratitude, or make a donation, you can do so here.

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