Blog, Events

Meditation Cafe: The Golden Thread

I found myself on a workshop again with Dr Robert Holden this weekend, whom was talking about The Golden Thread. Robert appears to be weaved into mine, always popping up at the perfect moments that I need reminding of, or to hear some of his Wisdom. There are other people too in my life, more… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: The Golden Thread

Blog, Events

Meditation Cafe: Chakra Healing

Tonight we are doing something a little different.. A little treat for the bodymind! I will be tweaking our practice to invite some healing and harmony in our body by using the Indian Chakra system as a focal point and the source of Self enquiry to receive our Mantras. This is a very nourishing practice… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: Chakra Healing

Blog, Events, Poetry

Meditation Cafe: Beliefs or Bliss? What Would You Choose?

I'm feeling a bit under the weather with a cold, so gonna try keep this short and share another attempt at a Freedom inspired Haiku to contemplate, written for the last Saturday Night @The OM. Who are you really?The sum of all your beliefsOr Bliss EternalA little side note here... Yogic Bliss is said to… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: Beliefs or Bliss? What Would You Choose?

Blog, Events, Poetry

Meditation Cafe: Tonight!

Meditation Cafe is on tonight instead of tomorrow. If you're curious to give Meditation a try and can't make Mondays, maybe you can join us tonight! Here's a little Haiku I wrote for last nights Saturday Night @ The OM, the theme was Freedom. Lots of beautiful sharing through storytelling, poetry and song. What is… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: Tonight!

Blog, Events

Meditation Cafe: What Meditation Is Not

Mindfulness, Contemplation, Self Enquiry, Visualisation (including guided), Mantra repetition, have all become synonymous with the word Meditation. I personally use all of these techniques at different times for different purposes. I'm not knocking them. They help you to focus inwardly, they can have many healing benefits to the mental, emotional and physical bodies. They can… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: What Meditation Is Not


Meditation Cafe: Resting In Silence Doesn’t Mean Not Speaking Up

I close my eyes for Meditation to practice resting in the Silence. It does not have to be silent outside for me to rest in the Silence within me. In my eyes closed Meditation practice I am silent, meaning I'm not talking outwardly with my voice. Inwardly, if there's a lot of stress in my… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: Resting In Silence Doesn’t Mean Not Speaking Up

Blog, Events

Meditation Cafe: What Is Pranayama

Prana means vital energy or life force, ayama is defined as extension or expansion. Thus, the word pranayama means expansion of life force and may be viewed as the art of breathing. In Yoga practice we always make sure that we start with correct breathing. This means breathing deeply, as designed to do, fully utilising… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: What Is Pranayama

Blog, Events, Poetry

Meditation Cafe: Meditation or Yoga? Is There A Difference?

Let's get one thing straight. Meditation IS Yoga. What we refer to as Yoga here in the West, is Yoga Asana, Asana meaning "posture". There are many branches on the tree of Yoga that all support the healthy blossoming of the tree. We shall explore these branches on another blog. One meaning of the word… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: Meditation or Yoga? Is There A Difference?

Events, Poetry, Yoga Classes

What’s Going On…

This is a quick post to update you on what's going on in The Bendy Witch universe. I've recently uploaded a few lovely pages, so this is an invitation to please check them out: Blossom Online Yoga Studio I've launched the Blossom Online Yoga Studio that I mentioned in a previous blog. Classes are live… Continue reading What’s Going On…

Blog, Events, Yoga Classes

Cultivating Consistency in Spiritual Practice When You’re Not Consistent!

I’ll be honest. In my daily life I often struggle with consistency. This is obvious with the inconsistency of my posting and it truly is a constant challenge for me to be consistent. I struggle to start things and then I hyper focus when I do, or I'll start three projects at once! Instead of… Continue reading Cultivating Consistency in Spiritual Practice When You’re Not Consistent!