Blog, Events, Poetry

Meditation Cafe: Beliefs or Bliss? What Would You Choose?

I'm feeling a bit under the weather with a cold, so gonna try keep this short and share another attempt at a Freedom inspired Haiku to contemplate, written for the last Saturday Night @The OM. Who are you really?The sum of all your beliefsOr Bliss EternalA little side note here... Yogic Bliss is said to… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: Beliefs or Bliss? What Would You Choose?

Blog, Events, Poetry

Meditation Cafe: Tonight!

Meditation Cafe is on tonight instead of tomorrow. If you're curious to give Meditation a try and can't make Mondays, maybe you can join us tonight! Here's a little Haiku I wrote for last nights Saturday Night @ The OM, the theme was Freedom. Lots of beautiful sharing through storytelling, poetry and song. What is… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: Tonight!

Blog, Events, Poetry

Meditation Cafe: Meditation or Yoga? Is There A Difference?

Let's get one thing straight. Meditation IS Yoga. What we refer to as Yoga here in the West, is Yoga Asana, Asana meaning "posture". There are many branches on the tree of Yoga that all support the healthy blossoming of the tree. We shall explore these branches on another blog. One meaning of the word… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: Meditation or Yoga? Is There A Difference?

Blog, Poetry, Thoughts

Keep Hope Alive

Tarot in Rhyme reading for wk 15/2/21 and beyond - Wake up. Keep Hope alive. Don’t pin all your Hopes on a false saviour. Eyes closed Mouth shut tight A turning away Denial of a right  Not wanting to believe That what you see Is far from the Truth A convenient but false reality Ignorance… Continue reading Keep Hope Alive

Blog, Poetry


When you realise you have been stuck in the past...Don't l👀k back. That small flicker of recognition is the keyhole to the door that leads you back to NOW. Fortunately you already have the key...Your Attention. Don't worry about what you didn't do...Or didn't say...Or how you will do things differently next time... Simply place… Continue reading DON’T L👀K BACK


Is your life an effortless flow of Grace, or are you getting in your own way?

In my Yoga classes this week we are exploring transformation and change. As we learn to let go of that which we are not, and allow the process of change by remaining innocent and curious, our true colours get a chance to shine. Sometimes we block our own progress by focusing on limiting beliefs that… Continue reading Is your life an effortless flow of Grace, or are you getting in your own way?