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Meditation Cafe: Be Like Water

It’s full steam ahead with preparations for the sale of Lily Pearl and I want to share with you a monumental shift I experienced in my mind leading up this point.

I observed my mind falling into what I call a “Need to Know” anxiety pattern. “When will she sell? Who will buy her? What if she takes months to sell?”

As I witnessed this rising, the Presence in me smiled. I can only describe it as if a switch flicked, a calm and Peace enveloped me as the rigidity of my questioning melted into an excited anticipation and deep knowing that she was already sold. An excitement grew within me to meet her lucky new guardians.

I moved from an anxious, grasping, closed mind, to an open, relaxed and flowing one in a matter of seconds. Fear turned to Trust in that deep knowing that it’s all already done. I still don’t know when but I trust it will all be in Divine Timing and I can rest back into this moment and the enjoyment of all moments leading up to the inevitable sale.

I have a 1/3 profile in my Human Design. This means details are important to my ability to process information and yet the trap of the 1/3 is to not move ahead, or act, because we think we don’t know enough. We have to learn to Trust the curious flow of creativity within us that leads us sometimes crashing into rocks.

The 1/3 profile learns by direct experience. It’s an experimental path which inevitably and often ends in much failing before one reaches success, yet the Wisdom of what doesn’t work always eventually leads to innovative new ways that do work.

When a 1/3 speaks you can trust that their Wisdom and insights have come from a lived experience not just a theory of the mind! Like Water, we seem quite determined to find a way.

At last weekends Saturday Night @ The OM, our theme was Water. I opened with this Bruce Lee quote:

“Empty your mind.
Be formless, shapeless, like water.
You put water into a cup; it becomes the cup.
You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle.
You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot.
Now water can flow, or creep, or drip, or crash.
Be water, my friend.”

Bruce lee

Any other Bruce Lee fans reading this? This is what we practice in Meditation. Cultivating a fluidity in the mind, allowing what is rigid to dissolve back into the ocean of Consciousness. Look out for some Haiku’s on this theme later this week!

If you want to hear the watery words of Wisdom from the Master himself, here’s the clip of the episode of Longstreet it’s from. Enjoy!

Click the registration link below for tonights Meditation Cafe Monday 27th May at 7.30pm if you’d like to join us and learn how to turn rigidity in your mind to fluidity and flow:

No previous experience necessary. An open mind and willing Heart is helpful.

Meditation Cafe is part of The Silent Revolution and is free by default. If you’d like to “Buy Me A Coffee” in the Cafe or express your Gratitude with a donation, you can do so here:

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