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Meditation Cafe: Gratitude For The Journey

As inspiration for tonights Meditation cafe I’m sharing with you a piece I wrote when I first had Lily Pearl built (my boat that I’m now selling for those of you new here), which I recently adapted as a “Coming full circle” piece for the last Water themed Saturday Night @ The OM event.

If you’re interested in purchasing Lily Pearl or know someone else that is keen to give boat life a try, you can check her out with full 3d tour here.

Cosy...Calm...Brunch by the fire. The wind is whistling up a gale... Clouds sprinkling droplets of rain, softly pitter pattering on steel roof. This, my favourite sound. In contradiction it turns up the volume of Silence. 

Reminders to choose are abound... Wisdom of Sophia... Consciousness of Christ... The unending invitation to dance Joyously the Nataraja of Shiva Shakti.

A Chalice may appear empty yet is always full. Offering bowls to thank unseen helpers... Our Ancestors, our Guardian Angels, the Devas and Nature Spirits, abundant here where the water is held lovingly by the land and I am held lovingly by the water, rocked gently by the wind.

Home is Sanctuary. 

Sacred Space. 

Hallowed ground. 

Travelling, I found Home in my Heart, the foundation of all Homes. Home has been a Presence that landed wherever my feet chose to rest, not always consciously but in hindsight always perfectly.

The inner sanctuary of my Heart has kept me sane through many a tumultuous storm. I can safely say my Heart is very happy now to have a physical Hearth. A place where the coolness of my mind snuggles up and surrenders to the warmth of the fire in my Heart. 

A place to rest. 

A place to regroup. 

The inner space now manifest as a physical foundation that I can return to, that I can create from. A place that I can dream new adventures. A loving space to come back to one’s senses or move beyond them depending on one’s Spiritual perspective.

This Home for me is a place to share One’s Peace with Beloveds, friends and family, finding the balance that occurs from allowing OneSelf enough space to be able to share One’s space. 

A place to Be. 

A place to See. 

A physical representation of the point in the centre of the circle from which One’s inner Love radiates in all directions.

Many people have commented over the years that my Homes have hugged them. Lily Pearl turned out to be a great hugger!

I find myself carried back, full circle, to the exact place where this adventure began.

In the womb of the waters, those gestating new adventures are now ready to be birthed. 

I step back onto the land forever changed, knowing I will always carry the Wisdom of the river in my Heart.

Like the river banks yielding to the ever changing temperament of the waters, the inner sanctuary of my Heart again becomes home, surrendering constantly to the flowing river of Grace that is this Sacred Life.

I’m Grateful for the sanctuary that Lily Pearl has provided for me these last 4.5yrs and for all the Wisdom the river and this journey has imparted to me, for all the friends I’ve met along way, for all the amazing sunsets and sunrises (that came in many forms!) and for the arrival of my little fur baby Tara whom appeared on the back of Lily Pearl one day and didn’t leave!

It seems apt tonight to be playing with Gratitude as a way to create Heart words to Meditate with.

Click the registration link below for tonights Meditation Cafe Monday 3rd June at 7.30pm if you’d like to join us and learn how to Meditate with Gratitude for all that has been and all that is to come:

No previous experience necessary. An open mind and willing Heart is helpful.

Meditation Cafe is part of The Silent Revolution and is free by default. If you’d like to “Buy Me A Coffee” in the Cafe or express your Gratitude with a donation, you can do so here:

2 thoughts on “Meditation Cafe: Gratitude For The Journey”

  1. I love your poem for this week, Rae, it is beautiful and thought provoking. Mary xx

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