Blog, Poetry, Tarot In Rhyme

Tarot In Rhyme: A Magickal Attitude Allows Life To Flow

June 2024 & Beyond…

I’ve not done one of these readings for a while. I get a lot of Joy and insights from letting these little poems emerge, so I hope you enjoy them too. This reading is not technically Tarot! Cards are drawn from Kyle Gray’s “Angel and Ancestors” Oracle Cards. Artwork by Lily Moses.

Do you believe
In Magick or Fate?
Just maybe these two
You cannot separate
Yes, you have much power
Not outside, look within
Awaken life's flower
As new growth begins
Do you see your cup empty
Or full of potential?
Letting Love guide
Your will is essential
Try not to predict
The outcomes you're seeking
What will be, will be
It's no use you peeking
Or making up stories
That really aren't real
Take your eyes off the Present
You may miss the real deal
Anticipate the goodness
That's coming your way
Let the Magick unfold
Find Joy in each day
Emotions need to flow
For inner power to reveal
The absolute Truth
Of how you really feel
Keep your Heart focused
On what you're creating
The waters within you
Amplify all you're saying
Make sure waters consumed
Are clean, pure and Blessed
Dive in deep, fears release
Re-emerge clear and refreshed

Deeper Exploration

Use these Tarot poems as means of contemplation. Try not to think too much about what they mean, but allow your intuition to reveal any areas of your life they may relate to.

There’s an invitation in this reading to question beliefs that may be limiting you. Stop playing small. Magickal Beings adapt to changing energies and in doing so change their fate. You are a powerful Being because you are Human. You are not made of stone. You are designed to grow, evolve and change. This month pay particular attention to where you’re placing your attention and whether your attitude to life leaves you feeling empowered or disempowered.

The Seer card in the trap position warns about making up stories (which we all do) and pre-empting scenarios and outcomes that just aren’t real. Are you looking instead of Seeing? This in itself is a worthy Self enquiry. The future is constantly in flux, changing with every conscious decision you make now. A great way to work with the energy of this card is to visualise what your Heart wants to create, without attachment to outcomes and timings, for just 33 second each day. Be vigilant (meaning when you see them. meet them with Love) with any “lack” beliefs, whether there’s a feeling of a lack of money, talents, resources or self esteem, stay Present to opportunities presented, actions needed and choices you can make to bring that vision into reality.

Our collective relationship with Water has been very “up” in my consciousness this last month, so this card is reinforcing to me the importance of this message. The Water Guardian encourages us to be honest in the moment with our feelings. To not suppress them but welcome them, even if it’s only admitting how we really feel to ourselves. What we speak contains power. Speak with Love and integrity (even if its fierce Love!) and watch how your body responds. To explore the intelligence of water and the effect our words and environment have on it (and therefore us!) please check out the work and experiments by a wonderful scientist called Veda Austin here.

If you’d like to learn a traditional Algonquin Water Blessing song please watch and listen to this video:

“This Algonquin Water Song expresses loving gratitude for the water and raises the consciousness and connection of women with Mother Natureā€™s greatest gift. The song is easy to learn, and our hope is that millions of women will sing it, raising their own connection and awareness of the water they interact with daily even in the shower or at the sink. Sing it 4 times, facing each of the 4 Directions. We believe this is a powerful step to change, leading to both a spiritual as well as environmental shift on our planet.”

Sing along šŸ„°

Nee bee wah bow

En die en

Aah key mis kquee

Nee bee wah bow

Hey ya hey ya hey ya hey

Hey ya hey ya hey ya ho

For a personal Oracle Soul Session (not in rhyme!) please get in touch via the contact form to discuss the options.

Blessed Be āœØ

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