Meditation Cafe

Join us Monday nights on zoom in this virtual Meditation Cafe if:

  • You’d like support with a regular Meditation Practice.
  • You want to Meditate with confidence.
  • You’d like to be able to more easily discern your Wisdom from the voice of your ego.
  • You want to grow the Courage within you to be more honest and authentic in the Present moment.
  • You want to connect with other Heart-Minded beings.

You’ll learn a simple, personal to you, Heart centred technique to help you Meditate with ease and to begin the journey of no distance as you really get to know your true Self, that which is you and that which is not!

You can practice with your eyes closed, seated, semi supine or lying down, although with the latter there is more risk that you will fall asleep! There’s an eyes open version too that helps you become more Present with what you’re doing and to be more Compassionate (sometimes fiercely!) with who you are with as you go about your day.

Subscribe here to my blog to receive the Monday Meditation Cafe registration link and some tips, traps and benefits of Meditation directly to your inbox. By subscribing you’ll stay updated on any in person events and meet ups too. You can also register via this page. See below.

What We Do

In the Cafe we practice creating Heart Word Mantras through Self Enquiry related to a particular theme, which is usually related to the weekly blog.

We start Pranayama (breath practice) at around 7.40pm to lead us into Meditation and we usually finish Meditating by around 8.15pm.

We make a cuppa, you can ask questions or share and explore insights that have arisen as a result of the practice.

We finish between 8.30 and 8.45pm. You can leave at anytime.

If you “think” this is a long time to close your eyes when you’ve never Meditated before, don’t worry! I encourage you to come and experience how easy it can be to Meditate when you work with your Mind not against it. You may well find you want to do it for longer!

If you’d like to join us, please first read the contraindications below to be sure Meditation Cafe is right for you. Click on the dates you want to register and remember to put them in your diary. I look forward to meeting you and sharing with you the beauty and benefits of Meditation.

Please check out The Silent Revolution page where, if you’re a seeker of Silence, there’s information about how to join The Silent Revolution Telegram Group for connection to like-minded folk and inspiration.


For the majority of people Meditation can be very beneficial, including to those who are struggling with their mental health. It most certainly helps me navigate anxiety patterns, sensory processing disorder and ADHD. Yet it does come with a warning.

In Meditation we are essentially expanding our consciousness and emptying out our internal bin of what no longer serves us. This is not always comfortable. As we expand our consciousness, feelings that we may have suppressed in the past are released and unhelpful patterns of behaviour over time dissolved. If we are able to welcome it all and weather the stormy bits, whats left is often a greater sense of internal Peace and Calm.

When repressed feelings and visions arise for someone with trauma this can be quite overwhelming and memories can appear very intense and real. If you have suppressed trauma, this may come to light in your Meditation and you may need the support of a trained mental health professional alongside your Meditation practice.

If you would like to join us but are on any Medication that is supporting your mental health, or are under the care of a mental health team, or are concerned about your mental health in regards to Meditation in any way, please advise me through the contact form and also those supporting you, before you join Meditation Cafe, to see whether or not it is suitable.

By joining Meditation Cafe you are declaring that you will take full responsibility for your own mental health and that if Meditation affects you adversely you will stop immediately and seek professional support.


Meditation Cafe is free by default. I don’t want money to be in the way of anyone learning the basics of how to Meditate if the desire to learn is there.

If you wish to “buy me a (decaf) coffee”, want to offer something in exchange for my time, or make a donation small or big, all support and donations are gratefully received. There is no obligation to donate.

Donate here:

This is me enjoying some eyes closed practice a few years ago pre the “fringe”! Please remember, you don’t have to sit cross legged to Meditate like this if it is uncomfortable. You can be supported in a semi-supine position or even lie down fully. Don’t let the fact you may not be able to sit cross legged stop you from closing your eyes for practice. Your mind will come up with every excuse why you can’t practice and this is a classic!