Blog, Events

Meditation Cafe: The Golden Thread

I found myself on a workshop again with Dr Robert Holden this weekend, whom was talking about The Golden Thread. Robert appears to be weaved into mine, always popping up at the perfect moments that I need reminding of, or to hear some of his Wisdom. There are other people too in my life, more… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: The Golden Thread

Blog, Events

Meditation Cafe: Synchronicity & Contemplating Humility

I'm still reading Prayers of the Cosmos by Neil Douglas Klotz, a Sufi Mystic whose lineage goes back to Hazrat Inayat Kahn. I will talk more about my own mystical connection with Hazrat in another blog, suffice to say that many roads I take somehow lead to him! For those that didn't see the previous… Continue reading Meditation Cafe: Synchronicity & Contemplating Humility