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Meditation Cafe: Are You Trying Too Hard?

The majority of problems we have in our Meditation practice arise from “trying” too hard because we have a misconception about what Meditation is and what we are “trying” to do.

Most people when they start to Meditate proclaim, “I’m trying to Meditate but I can’t do it” or “I’m trying to stop my thoughts and I can’t switch them off!”. You can however, learn to use these thoughts as the springboard to launch your attention beyond them. Awareness is the difference between “trying” to Meditate and actually doing it.

You can’t beat a good Yoda quote. Many minds know deep down this statement carries Truth and yet to really comprehend this and make it come alive in our experience requires a subtle shift in our perception.

I’ve heard myself in the past quote things like, “We are Human BEings not Human DOings”, like BE and do DO are somehow opposite. I see now that this thinking is rooted in duality not Unity Consciousness. Maybe if “Humans Doing” were to be replaced with “Humans TRYing”, that would be more accurate.

I’ve come to see that when I am being, I am also doing, there is no separation. What I’m doing, whether that’s being active or being at rest, when my mind is resting and not trying, the motivation to do is coming from a place deeper than the surface of my mind that tends to polarise everything. DOing somehow BEcomes effortless.

In my personal observations of my own “trying” habits, I’ve come to see that “trying” is somewhat of a protective strategy for my mind. If I try and perceive failure, “At least I tried”. I might convince myself, “I did my best” or notice judgements arise, or make various excuses, yada yada yada.

I’m sure Yoda, Yoda, Yoda would look me square in the eye and my mind would squirm knowing immediately without him saying a word that all the reasoning is utter bullshit.

I’ve noticed that ‘trying’ for me often indicates a lack of alignment, even sometimes a lack of honesty. “Trying” is a win or lose game, “doing” on the other hand is win win. In aligned, Yoda style “doing” there is no failure only living and learning. Yet it is in the recognising that we are trying that we can shift our perception, therefore trying isn’t wrong. It’s part of a bigger dance.

When I started writing this weeks blog I was “trying” to write it. Well, actually I was trying to write another blog which I abandoned, as realised I was “trying” too hard.

The pressure to get the post written had carried me away from the place that simply writes. Yet the trying and recognising that I was over efforting, became the doing, as I am now writing about my experience which is easy and takes no forced effort. I’m now happily “doing” the post not “trying” to do it.

I am recently reminded that THE most important thing in Meditation is to NOT force the mind to stop thinking (or trying). The practice is to move beyond the thoughts to deeper, more expansive experiences where it becomes irrelevant if thoughts and trying arise or not.

There’s a reason why thinking occurs, especially if you have the channel of the thinker in your Human Design like me (I think Yoda is giving me that look again 🤣). Thoughts are natural, they just aren’t the whole picture and can make life hard work if you get stuck in them. Meditation can open you up to a more expansive experience of life. It’s a Sacred dance between thoughts, sometimes trying ones, being aware and doing. Read poem Dancing In-Between the I’s for more on this.

A stream doesn’t “try” to flow or judge a fallen rock in its path. Its journey to the sea isn’t all smooth, sometimes its waters are still and calm, sometimes turbulent whilst having to navigate many obstacles, yet water is always flowing and finding a way. Our stream of Consciousness is no different.

If this is all too confusing and your mind is exploding right now trying to work out wtf I’m going on about, come and do (that’s a Yoda style do) Meditation Cafe and we’ll practice actually doing Meditation instead of trying to do it. Direct experience is always better than theory!

Here’s the registration link for tonights Meditation Cafe Monday 26th January at 7.30pm if you’d like to join us. No previous experience necessary. An open mind and willingness to try is helpful:

Meditation Cafe is free by default. If you’d like to “Buy Me A Coffee” in the Cafe to express your Gratitude, or make a donation, you can do so here.

If you’d like to receive these registration links weekly, straight to you inbox, please subscribe to this blog. Alternatively you can always find the weekly registration links on the page The Silent Revolution.

PS. Dates for your diary:

Tickets are now available here for the next Saturday Night @ The OM – Freedom, 6th April 2024.

The Silent Revolution will be holding a Silent Sanctuary at Back To The Roots Festival again this year 9th til 11th August 2024. More details coming soon..

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